
Artist: Remora


Remora's lyrics & chords

From Bio profile on (please visit!) A brief introduction to Remora Remora began in 1996 with a web of cassette releases (Anaaron, Acroyer, Amerse, Eneded, Cemented in Stone, Anadia, Ambient Drones for One Guitar) that utilized the guitar to create ambient walls of sound, rather than melodic passages. These releases were recorded at home during time off from work & other responsibilities. In recent years, Remora has shifted from pure guitar noise into songs incorporating the sounds discovered over the time spent more

Candian trade Demon fighter Please just leave me alone Guilt jersey Stripper lessons Work I called your mom Youth I never had a home Birth and destruction This way Motherless child Heartworms I always want to fuck Let me carry her body through the gates Smile like a knife Window Waiting for Remora almost live set The day she returned Archetype Christmas coal Way back to the bone Instill Movement i I won’t fuck you til you treat me right

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